Open Data Institute

I submitted two complimentary pieces of work to the Thinking Out Loud exhibition at the Open Data Institute in London (curated by Alex MacLean and the ODI).

The first is a large-scale print piece, Three Hundred And Sixty Seconds, that depicts a session of improvised live visual performance in printed snapshot format – similar to the livecode prints I’ve put out, but much bigger.

The second, Twenty Thousand Seconds, takes the same approach of displaying a visual performance, but instead is deployed as a screen-based piece. The project runs on a hidden Raspberry Pi, and displays twenty thousand second’s worth of performance, but stretched out to take precisely one year to display (the length of the exhibition). As the ODI is a working space, people who are in the room over a few days will see the artwork change and morph – however this is so slow that to at a glance the piece looks static.